
GreenSock Timeline Navigation with addPause()

In this lesson we will add pauses to a timeline using the, wait for it…. wait some more… addPause() method.

The addPause() method is one of the features of GSAP that is so small yet so powerful and necessary. You’d be surprised how many animation tools don’t have this feature. The video below gives you a smooth rundown of how to use it.

Watch the video on GreenSock’s addPause() method

Explore the demo

Be sure to check out addPause() in the official GreenSock API docs. You can also assign a callback to fire when you insert your pause which can come in handy too!

Coming Soon: Dynamic, Non-Linear Navigation

In the next lesson we’ll be adding dynamic, non-linear navigation to this project. In other words we’re going to suck the labels out of the timeline and use them to build those cute pink dots so you can go wherever you want whenever you want.

This blog next lesson will also be free. If you want to get notified when it is launched sign up for my newsletter. It should go live Wednesday February 19th.

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This lesson is already available as part of my course GSAP 3 Beyond the Basics.  The course is packed with lessons just like this that contain a short video and easy-to-understand demo.

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