
Create an Animated Counter with GreenSock

In this lesson I’m going to show you how we can animate the innerText property of a DOM element using the Snap Plugin.

What’s cool about this technique is that I just recently learned it (from Zach at GreensSock) AND it’s much better than my old way of doing it.

I’ll show you the old way quickly as it can open up your eyes to other possibilities with using GSAP beyond the DOM.

This lesson is going to get us geared up for the next lesson where we turn this animation into a reusable and customizable effect.

Be sure to watch the whole video as there are quite a few important tidbits in there that are important for this lesson and the next one.

Watch the Video

Explore the Demo

Additional Resources

Want to learn more about GreenSock Animation. My ultimate beginner’s course GSAP 3 Express is completely free.

Enroll in GSAP 3 Express for Free